A complex of technical hardware for reproducing, storing and transmitting a unit of laser radiation pulse duration in range from 5×10−11 to 1×10−9 s (is part of the GET 187-2016 State Primary Special Standard of Energy Units, distribution of energy density, pulse duration and wavelength of laser radiation)


The complex reproduces a unit of laser pulse duration in the range from 5×10−11 to 1×10−9 s at a wavelength of 0.755 μm.


Contact details

(495) 437 34 74

Main components of the complex:
  • hardware for reproducing, storing and transmitting a unit of laser radiation pulse duration, including streak camera, femtosecond laser, electro-optical modulator, Fabry-Perot interferometer, fiber optic stretcher;
  • system for managing, recording and documenting measurement results, including a laptop and a printer;
  • equipment for monitoring operation of the complex, including a laser emission power meter, a spectrometer and a thermal hygrometer.

GET 187-2016 is the lead of the State verification setup for measuring instruments for energy, distribution of energy density, pulse duration and wavelength of laser emission in the wavelength range from 0.3 to 2.0 μm, approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated September 28, 2018 No. 2088.

Metrological and main technical specifications
Laser emission wavelength, µm
Range of reproduction of the unit of laser pulse duration, s
5×10−11 ... 1×10−9
Root-mean-square deviation (RMS) of reproduction of a unit of laser pulse duration at 10 independent measurements
Confidence bounds of the non-excluded systematic error (NSE) of Reproducing a Unit of Laser Pulse Duration
Total standard uncertainty of reproduction of the unit duration of the laser pulse
Expanded uncertainty in the reproduction of a unit of laser pulse duration with a coverage factor k = 2 and a confidence level of 0.95


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