Installation for reproduction, storage and transmission of a unit of irradiance in the range from 10−8 to 10−6 W/m2 in the wavelength range from 0.2 to 0.4 µm


Is part of the GET 162-2022 State primary standard of units of radiation flux, energy illumination, spectral density of energy illumination and energy exposure in the wavelength range 0.0004 - 0.4 μm


Contact details

(495) 437 34 74

Main components of the installation:
  • illuminator with deuterium lamp and power supply;
  • photodetector based on photoelectronic multiplier;
  • fresnel attenuator module;
  • double monochromator;
  • picoammeter;
  • auxiliary equipment set.

GET 162-2022 is the lead of the State verification setup for measuring instruments for radiation flux, energy illumination, spectral density of energy illumination in the wavelength range of 0.0004-0.400 μm.

Metrological and main technical specifications
Wavelength range, µm
0,2 ... 0,4
Energy illumination range, W/m2
1×10−8 ... 1×10−6
Standard deviation (RMS) of reproduction of the unit of irradiance with 10 independent measurements
Confidence bounds of the non-excluded systematic error (NSE) of reproduction of the unit of irradiance
Total standard uncertainty of reproduction of a unit of irradiance
Expanded uncertainty in the reproduction of a unit of irradiance with a coverage factor k = 2 and a confidence level of 0.95


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