Small-sized nine-frame camera with full control from PC



Fields of application:

  • ballistic research;
  • studies of combustion, detonation, explosion, scattering of fragmentation fields, soil, etc;
  • shock waves physics;
  • plasma physics including thermonuclear synthesis;
  • electrical breakdowns and discharges.


Contact details

(495) 437 34 74

Images obtained with K011 camera
Pic.1. Flight of a liquid drop, accelerated by a shock wave. Pic.2. Membrane rupture high gas pressure.
Main components of the camera:
  • input lens (a set of lenses is an option);
  • electromechanical shutter;
  • PIM-113 streak tube with S-25 photocathode applied on a fiber-optic disk, two pairs of deflecting plates, one microchannel plate (MCP) and luminescent screen applied on a fiber-optic disk;
  • power supply unit;
  • control unit with full control from PC;
  • RU-05M CCD camera (1392×1032 pixels, 12-bit ADC, linear dynamic range ≥ 300) with electric (≤ 5 m) or fiber optic (≤100 m) connection to PC;
  • neutral density filters D~0.5, 1, 2, installed on the input lens or on its seat;
  • frame window, installed close to the photocathode, defining visible frame area;
  • frame test object (GOI No. 4 test object), installed close to the cathode fiber-optic disk to perform spatial resolution check;
  • mounting plate for fixing the camera at the workplace.

Software allows to obtain visual and digital information about the registered process. Multi-window mode allows to work with multiple images. Images are saved in files, which, in addition to the image, can also contain metadata with information about the shooting conditions, as well as text comments.

Software Features:

  • configuring camera triggering settings;
  • correction of geometric and photometric distortions of the image, including the non-uniformity of the sweep coefficient;
  • calculation of the numerical characteristics of the image (brightness, duration, size, speed);
  • mage transformations.

Images can be exported to a standard 12-bit TIFF format for further processing in third-party software.

Operating conditions:
  • Humidity ≤ 80%
  • Temperature 283 – 308 К
  • Pressure – 105 kPa
Main Specifications
Spectral sensitivity range, nm
380 – ≥850
Maximum conversion coefficient, W/W
≥ 5000
Programmable duration of any frame, µs
0,06 – 500
Programmable duration of any  interframe pause, µs
0,04 – 500
Step for changing frame duration and interframe pause, μs
Spatial resolution on the photocathode, 1.p./mm
≥ 10
Maximum triggering frequency, limited by CCD camera, Hz
«Dead» time, ns
≤ 250
Programmable additional delay of triggering (with 20 ns step), ms
0 – 1,3
Frame size on the photocathode, mm x mm
8 х 8
Typical length of the communicational lane between the camera and PC, m:
- electrical cable
- fiber-optic cable

≤ 100
Dimensions (without input lens), mm х mm х mm
≤ 330 × 120 × 230
Weight, kg
≤ 5
Supply voltage,  V:
- alternating current with 50-60 Hz frequency
- constant current (option)

110 – 220 ± 20%
18 – 36
Power consumption, VA
≤ 30
Complete set
Name Q-ty Note
1 K011 Camera 1 With power supply unit,control unit, PIM-113 streak tube, electromechanical shutter, RU-05M CCD camera
2 Accessories, spare equipment and replacement parts:
2.1 Input lens 1 «MC ZENITAR – M2s» 2/50
2.2 M42×M42 Extension rings, length, mm:

For use with input lens
2.3 Neutral density filters:
D ~ 0.5
D ~ 1
D ~ 2

For mounting on the input lens
2.4 M49×M54 Adapter ring 1 To install filters on the input lens
2.5 M42×M54 Adapter ring 1 To install filters instead of the input lens
2.6 Mounting plate 1 Used to fix camera at work place
2.7 Fuse 1 A 2
2.8 Laptop with installed FastGlance software, USB flash drive with software and drivers, USB 2.0 cable to connect CCD camera. 1
2.9 Fiber optic communication line, ≤100m 1 Optional
3 Documentation:
3.1 User manual 1
3.2 FastGlance software User Guide 1
3.3 Package 1 Case


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