Small-sized camera with linear sweep and single-frame modes



Fields of application:

  • laser physics;
  • nuclear physics;
  • plasma physics including thermonuclear synthesis;
  • electrical breakdowns and discharges;
  • x-ray spectroscopy.


Contact details

(495) 437 34 74

Main components of the camera:
  • An open PV-204X streak tube with replaceable CsJ and Au photocathodes, microchannel plate (MCP), one pair of sweep plates and luminescent screen on a fiber optic disk.
  • power supply unit;
  • two interchangeable control units for microsecond and nanosecond sweep and frame ranges;
  • SDU RU-05M CCD camera (1392×1032 pixels, 12-bit ADC, linear dynamic range ≥ 300) with electric (≤ 5 m) or fiber optic (≤100 m) connection to PC;
  • laptop with installed software;
  • “In air” (etched in metal foil) test-objects – sweep test-object and GOI №4 frame test-object, installed close to the cathode to check spatial resolution;
  • mounting plate for fixing the camera at the workplace.

Software allows to obtain visual and digital information about the registered process. Multi-window mode allows to work with multiple images. Images are saved in files, which, in addition to the image, can also contain metadata with information about the shooting conditions, as well as text comments.

Software Features:

  • configuring camera triggering settings;
  • correction of geometric and photometric distortions of the image, including the non-uniformity of the sweep coefficient;
  • calculation of the numerical characteristics of the image (brightness, duration, size, speed);
  • image transformations.

Images can be exported to a standard 12-bit TIFF format for further processing in third-party software.

Operating conditions:
  • Humidity ≤ 80%
  • Temperature 283 – 308 К
  • Pressure 95 – 105 kPa
Main Specifications
Substrate material of replaceable CsJ and Au photocathodes:
- slit
- frame

parylene, 100 nm thickness
lavsan 3 µm thickness
Spectral sensitivity range of photocathode, keV:
- slit
- frame

≤ 0,1 – ≥ 10
≤ 0,6 – ≥ 10
Photocathode operating area, mm x mm:
- slit
- frame

≤ 0,1 × ≥ 15
≥ 6 × ≥ 12
Maximum current amplification factor in MCP
≥ 1000
Residual air in streak tube, operating pressure requirement, Pa
≤ 6 × 10-3
Sweep length, mm
18 – 20
Sweep coefficients:
- nanosecond control unit, ns/cm
- microsecond control unit, µs/cm

1 – 100
0,1 – 300
Non-uniformity of the sweep coefficient, %
≤ 5
Spatial camera resolution on the photocathode, 1.p./mm:
≥ 10
Limiting temporal resolution, ps
≤ 10
Trigger pulse requirements:
- polarity
- amplitude, V
- duration, ns
- rise time, ns

≥ 2,5 – ≤ 50
≥ 10
≤ 50
Triggering level adjustment range, V
≤ 2,5 – ≥ 20
«Dead» time for the shortest sweep range:
- nanosecond control unit, ns
- microsecond control unit, µs

≤ 40
≤ 0,2
Frame duration:
- nanosecond control unit, ns
- microsecond control unit, µs

10 – 260
0,24 – 640
«Dead» time of the streak camera in single-frame mode:
- nanosecond control unit, ns
- microsecond control unit, µs

≤ 35
≤ 0,15
Maximum triggering frequency, Hz:
- nanosecond control unit
- microsecond control unit
(short range to long range)
- CCD Camera


1 – 10
Typical length of the communicational lane between the camera and PC, m:
- electrical cable
- fiber-optic cable

≤ 100
Dimensions, mm х mm х mm
≤ 440 × 110 × 200
Weight, kg
≤ 6
Supply voltage,  V:
- alternating current with 50-60 Hz frequency
- constant current (option)

160 – 260
18 – 36
Power consumption, VA
≤ 10
Complete set
Name Q-ty Note
1 K010X Camera (without control units) 1 Body with a power cable, power supply unit, PV-204X streak tube, RU-05M CCD Camera.
2 Accessories, spare equipment and replacement parts:
2.1 Changeable photocathodes:
- CsJ slit on parylene
- Au slit on parylene
- CsJ frame on lavsan
- Au frame on lavsan



2.2 Control unit CU-1 (nanosecond range) 1
2.3 Control unit CU-2 (microsecond range) 1
2.4 Laptop with installed FastGlance software, USB flash drive with software and drivers, USB 2.0 cable to connect CCD camera. 1
2.5 Fiber optic communication line, ≤100m 1 Optional
2.6 Coaxial cable 1 For camera triggering
2.7 CCD Synchronization cable 1
2.8 Test-objects:
- streak test-object
- GOI №4 frame test-object

To check spatial resolution
2.9 Mounting plate 1 Used to fix camera on work place
2.10 Fuse 2 A 1
2.11 Technological cap with centering and seal spacers 1 For sealing the streak tube bellows
2.12 Collar clamp 1 For docking transition pipe stub or technological cap with streak tube bellows
2.13 Set of devices for installing and replacing photocathodes and test objects in the streak tube 1
3 Documentation:
3.1 User manual 1
3.2 FastGlance software User Guide 1
3.3 Package 1 Case


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